Thursday, September 9, 2010

Faves - The Pens I Always Use

Last summer, I was on a quest to find the perfect pens and notebooks. I bought and tried so many different types and brands. Many pen and paper lovers will tell you that this is a never ending quest. They are correct. However, I've learned to simplify. I have been sticking to just a few pens and notebooks lately. Maybe I've gotten lucky by finding ones I love. I know part of the reason I've simplified some is that I've been putting all extra funds towards the house and the wedding. I'm sure I'll get in another "buying and trying" phase at some point. For now, I'm content with using what works for me. 
These are my favorite pens:

1. Lamy Al-Star (Raspberry)
2. Levenger True Writer Stub
3. Lamy Studio Palladium
4. Mont Blanc Noblesse

I highly recommend any of these pens. I reach for them over and over. What are your faves?


  1. Ooooh! I am OBSESSED with pens and paper. However, i do not write with any "fancy" pens currently, but I will try your suggestions! I love to write in different colored inks. Mostly purple and pink....depending on how I'm feeling:) What are your favorite notebooks?

  2. Lamy Al Star is definitely the best.

  3. @Loves I like different inks, too. There is usually always a purple felt tip pen on my desk at work. I don't really have favorite notebooks. I guess the search is still on for those! I do like notebooks made by clairefontaine and rhodia though.

    @Carmen agreed! I want one in every color one day

  4. I asked for a Lamy al-star for my birthday so we'll see. I have never seen anything but high praise for them!

  5. Rachel, I hope you get one! They're great
