Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life Without Internet

Until two days ago, M and I have had an internet-less home. Surprisingly, we survived! It wasn't as terrible as I expected, but I still feel like we're emerging from the dark ages into the 21st century. There were some maddening moments for sure. We had to rely on spotty 3g service on my phone. My poor husband has spent many frustrating hours trying to pay bills on a small touch screen. I've wanted to throw my phone against the wall while waiting on pages to load. Let's face it, we live in a connected world. Life without internet can be peaceful, but I'm not complaining about finally having affordable options for service in our subdivsion!

One thing I've learned.... it's hard to blog without normal internet. Please, please forgive me. 


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rollin' on the River of Love: Thank you

We were engaged for 10 months. Sometimes I thought that the wedding would never get here. Planning a diy wedding is certainly a journey. There were so many people that poured their hearts, money, love, blood, sweat, and tears into making our day perfect. Y'all, I really can't put into words just how wonderful and overwhelming our wedding weekend was. 

Looking back on September 17-18, the word that stands out the most in my mind is JOY. Before I can share any more about the wedding, I have to say a big thank you to everyone who made it so joyful for me and Michael. 

To our parents, family, and friends: thank you for your planning, organizing, setting up, errand running, cooking, baking, food preparing, boat driving, flower arranging, decorating, and awesome wedding making. Thank you for your hugs, smiles, and laughter. Thank you for being with us. We love you, and our day was everything we ever dreamed!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I love typing and writing that crazy word. NaNoWriMo. What is it? It's National Novel Writing Month where you attempt to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. I've signed up the past two years, but I've never actually started writing the novel. School, work, and life always got in the way. I'm contemplating trying again come November.

Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? Have you done it in the past? I'd love to hear about your experiences.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Notebooks that Work (For now at least!)

A few weeks ago, I wrote this post about simplifying my pen rotation. I am truly happy with all of the pens I listed. Notebooks are a different story. Does the perfect notebook exist? I don't think it does. My big requests are that a notebook should have paper that is fountain pen friendly and fun to write on. There are so many other factors - material, cover, binding, paper style, etc. - that are also very important. Simply put, the notebook must fulfill whatever purpose I have assigned to it. Yeah, I'm picky and weird. I rarely fill all the pages in a notebook before moving on to the Next Big Thing. However, there are some notebooks that I'm really liking right now.

1. Rhodia no. 16.
    I have two of these that I am currently using. One is kept on my desk at work for notes and lists. It's also handy to carry to meetings. The other one is my "church notebook" (I'll explain about those in another post). This is a flip-top notepad with a spiral binding. I prefer the scored rhodia covers, but the spiral just works better and looks neater for work. I'm satisfied with it for now. The paper is the usual Rhodia paper that ROCKS for fountain pens.

2. M By Staples Gold Series Writing Pad
    I carried one of these everywhere I went the last month before the wedding. The paper is nice. It's not as smooth as Rhodia or Clairefontaine, but I like it anyway. I've had no problems with any inks or pens I have tried on it. I will probably keep on buying these

When I started writing this post, I thought there would be a much longer list. I'm actually kinda sad that I don't have more notebooks to praise right now. I do have a Rhodia webbie on the way that I'm excited to try and review. I guess the search for notebook bliss is still on!

What are your favorite notebooks? Is there such thing as a perfect notebook?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The wedding was ah-mazing, but married life is turning out to be even better. Thanks everyone for all the congratulations and well wishes. Love y'all :)

My aunt took this picture. There were so many talented people taking shots throughout the day. I can't wait to get the pro pics back, but I am loving seeing everyone else's photos.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Tomorrow, I will meet M at the altar, take his hand, and promise him forever. Tomorrow, we will start a new life. Tomorrow, we will be surrounded by people who love us. Tomorrow is the day we have been looking forward to for years!

I will be back after the honeymoon with recaps and stories. Thanks for reading.